Xenia Economidou

After having a major transformation through Hypnosis herself Xenia is now an avid Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT*) Practitioner helping people discover their own power and overcome traumas and limitations through the power of hypnotherapy so they can create the Life they Love.

There is a lot of prejudice and fear around the term "Hypnotherapy" yet as a therapeutic modality it is more relevant to neuroscience than anything else and RTT specifically is based on hypnosis, neuroscience, neuroplasticity, gestalt, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and mindfulness. It is a multi-award modality and globally recognised by Hypnotherapy Associations around the world.

Xenia has the unique approach of the Engineer (having graduated with First-Class Honours from top London Universities with an international career in Cyber Security), able to view the Mind, the nervous system, beliefs, symptoms/issues like an algorithm that can be mapped with mathematical accuracy.

In addition to her academic and professional background, based on her own experience from years of talk-therapy herself (dealing with depression) and now a practitioner of hypnotherapy, Xenia strongly believes and lives it daily through her practice, with research supporting the fact, that it doesn't have to take years and 10ths of thousands to understand and overcome challenging thoughts and behaviours. Results are obtained once we visit those parts of ourselves that are not easily accessed through other modalities and work with them directly in a safe and efficient manner. With RTT people are fully aware of what is happening, how deep they go, in full control of what they are sharing and remember everything afterwards making it one of the most safe and efficient therapy modalities.

Hypnotherapy based on neuroscience simply means accessing different brain waves (i.e. the Subconscious Mind) to raise awareness on matters that we are not aware of such as the root of our limiting beliefs and destructive behaviours in order to resolve this issues sustainably and not superficially with other symptoms rising as a response of the underlying survival mechanisms.

Our beliefs are simply connections of the nervous system and with hypnotherapy we can challenge the validity on which those beliefs and therefore those connections were formed. Once we discover that a belief is false (and by definition limiting beliefs are false, i.e. we are not good enough, we don't deserve to fulfil our dreams, success is not available to us, sugar is love, smoking is freedom, alcohol is control, etc), then we have a unique opportunity of upgrading that belief system same way we would with an operating system on a computer. None of us wants to make decisions about relationships, finances, career, health, and live Life based on the beliefs, restrictions and fears of when they were 3 years old or 5. Yet we all do that to one extend or the other and this will not change unless we intentionally do something about it.

People react to the concept of "suggestions" as if the practitioner is feeding them his/her own truth and they are in hypnosis receiving that but it has nothing to do with that. Based on the principles of neuroplasticity, the ability to accept suggestions is the ability to change one's mind once they realise that there existing beliefs are based on false data, thus "upgrade".

Xenia is based in Cyprus and is active for in person sessions in Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca as well as remotely for both locals and international clientele. It is found that when people are in their familiar space (e.g. home, living room, bedroom, home-office, etc) they already feel safe, are used to the smells and noises that come with that space and are therefore more open and allow themselves to go even deeper so the results are often better than in-person sessions due to less engagement of the conscious mind.

*RTT can help people resolve the underlying root of stress, anxiety, depression, self esteem, confidence, smoking, drinking, sugar addiction, food/weight problems, relationship issues, childhood traumas, guilt, anger, sleep issues, abuse, motivation, among others. It's never the symptom. Highly likely the root is linked to self-worth, believing we are not Enough, our dreams are not available to us and feeling unlovable. Different people express themselves differently based on the different survival mechanisms that were developed and of course their personality that is why it is important for us to work with the root of our symptoms to have sustainable results.

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