Exploring the Soul: An Interview with Mitsch Kohn on His Upcoming Events in Cyprus

We are delighted to welcome Mitsch Kohn back to Cyprus for a special series of events this October!

Mitsch Kohn, the renowned sound mystic and pianist, is returning to R-Place in Fassoula for two deeply transformative gatherings. With a rich background in intuitive music and sound healing, Mitsch’s work touches hearts and souls through his unique blend of musical improvisation and healing practices. His events, “Intuitive Medicine Music Concert” and “Ecstatic Inner Universe | Contact-impro with your Soul” promise to offer profound experiences that connect participants with their inner selves and each other.

To learn more about these events and Mitsch’s approach, we had the pleasure of asking him a few questions. Mitsch thank you for sharing your insights on the upcoming events and your creative process:

What drew you to intuitive medicine music, and how has your approach evolved over time?

First of all, thank you for the invitation to this beautiful island again… it´s a pleasure to bring my gifts to this beautiful place on earth.

To answer your question could be a long story 🙂 , but to make it short: Intuitive music came as an initiation 2011 to me, happening during a concert in Madrid, and turned into a mission for life. In this concert I experienced the difference between improvisation and intuitive music… simple, but life-changing. Since then I found my way to what I am here for….and of course it´s a still ongoing process.

 The maybe most radical change in my musicians life was the realization that the „artist on stage“ disappeared. I don´t perform anymore. I´m not on stage to entertain anyone, but I´m with the people to open a joint field of deep inner experience and healing… it is a co-creation.

By the way, this concert 2011 was recorded, you can watch my personal birth-process on youtube 🙂 :  Madrid Concert 2011

For those new to your work, what can attendees expect from the "Intuitive Medicine" Music Concert and the "Ecstatic Inner Universe" workshop? How are they different?

You can expect a deeper connection to yourself, and – as far as you are ready to go – to experience yourself on a level you probably never experienced yourself before. This will cause a much deeper understanding of your path, your life-situation, and will bring a high amount of freedom and inner peace. It´s not something „I do“, it is something that is co-created in the field, so it always depends on your readiness to face your truth(s) … that´s the essence: facing the truth … if you´re ready, we go there… and this will change everything.

The concert is more focused on the musical aspect, on the joy, the dance, the singing and being touched by the beauty. 

The workshop (in my opinion it´s more a playshop) is much more interactive and a straight invitation to jump from your comfort couch… including radical shifts in your life… but although it´s very deeply touching and transforming, it will also bring a lot of fun, easiness and magic.

Last but not least, as everything is intuitive, I´ll never now where the journey brings us to… of course I bring my tools, but it always depends on the dynamic of the group, what will unfold.

How do you use intuition and music to create such immersive and healing experiences?

The easy formular: 100 % trust, letting go off all ideas how it „should be“, diving into that present moment and serve unconditionally with an open heart. I could write a book to answer this question, but in the and it´s basically that.

In the "Intuitive Medicine Music Concert," what journey do you aim to take participants on?

I don´t aim anything, but I invite people to be open (and ready) for a deep inner connection… and this is what usually happens :-). Beside that everyone will experience his/her own very unique journey of liberation and connection.

How does combining dance, voice, and intuitive music in the "Ecstatic Inner Universe" workshop help participants connect with their true selves?

Everything belongs together, and all the pain, disabilities, mindfuck, emotional rollercoasters, challenging life situations and so on are stored in our body… and the more we learn (not with our brain, but with our experience) to face these believes and patterns and release the body from holding all this, the more we become free and joyful. We need to understand, that our energy reflects what we experience in life… In a way we clean up to realize the beauty in life… and the more we clean up the more we can connect to our true selves.

What role does improvisation play in your events, and how does it shape the experience?

It´s the essence… with the opening for an intuitive field, facing the truth and opening the box of unlimited possibilities we learn the difference between acting (what we usually do in life) and being (what is 100% trust in life and in the present moment) … that´s simple, but much more effective than most treatments on earth.

What feedback have you received from past attendees, and how does it influence your future work?

I am very much encouraged by the feedbacks of participants, who had amazing shifts in their life, including overcoming serious disease and depression. This is a kind of motor for continuing my work, as it fills me with joy and gratitude to serve.

What message or feeling do you hope participants will take away from both events?

I don´t hope anything, but I wish every participant to be open and allowing the unexpectetd to happen.

Discover More:

For Mitsch Kohn’s music and details on all his upcoming events, visit:

Mitschkohn’s Linktree


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