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Rejuvance - Άγγιγμα Ροής
Rejuvance Natural Facelift with the Shiatsu technique. A holistic natural rejuvenation therapy, a unique experience of facial care and beauty. It is applied by means of fingertip pressure to specific energy points, based on traditional Chinese medicine. This is why it’s effect spreads throughout the body giving beauty and internal harmony, while at the same time providing relief from headaches, migraines and many more. Rejuvance is a magical journey to our internal beauty that is immediately reflected on the facial area.
Rejuvance Natural facelift & Reiki combined technique: A unique combination of Rejuvance and Reiki. With this technique the results of the Rejuvance -Natural Facelift are multiplied and additionally, the healing power of Reiki offers a deep sense of harmony, balance and holistic wellness, deepening the connection with ourselves.
Reiki : A special energy therapy with multiple healing benefits. It offers internal harmonization on a physical, emotional and spiritual level while at the same time providing relief to physical issues. It releases emotional blockages and difficulties, offering internal peace and harmony while it is contributing to the mental clarity, creativity and harmonization.