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Table 45

Odile Pari

Do you truly feel alive, conceiving the depth and beauty of this universe every day of your life or are you merely breathing and existing as days go by ?

Most of us go through the daily motions or are not able to feel all that we were given because something is holding them back and hindering them .
An inner sadness and longing, an emptiness which can not be fulfilled, physical ailing and most often the deep feeling of not being worthy of it all, which is usually subconscious. How do we notice it then? Because life is not flowing.

As a medium I am able to find the cause for your issues. This may range from something you brought with you from a past life, sentences of belief holding you back, or traumatic experiences and hardship of any kind. To me it is important to take every issue as lightly as possible. It is what it is and it is an experience. There is a spiritual solution for every issue and a learning lesson for everything happening to you. Understand, let the issue dissolve and move on. Life is not to be endured, it is to be lived and you should be able to enjoy all of it, even the challenging times.

Because that is what you are here for. To grow. To evolve. Never ever give up. Your life is waiting for you to jump into its flow. Live it and feel that you are alive.

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