Insight I
The seminar, which has attracted over two million people from over 40 countries across the world. And now we invite YOU!
with Mike Connor
Awakening the power of your heart
The 3 day, 3-phase event that will redirect your life towards positivity and abundance! After this event, people will see a whole new you. A you that is…
- Living a meaningful life that’s in alignment with your heart’s purpose.
We will peel away the layers of your personality, fears, doubts and questions to find out who you really are! Locate your purpose quickly and start living a life that is truly meaningful. The life you’re here to live. - Full of success.
We’ll help you find what that means for you specifically, then give you the tools and approaches to filling your life with success! Flourishing relationships, more money, more clarity, more confidence. - The best version of yourself for the world to admire!
Be your best. Connect to that Power inside of you. The immense power of your loving heart! The world needs you at your best to help be the example and the invitation!
More importantly, create a more positive and optimistic future for the world around us. To inspire and help others step into their greatness from our example.
More info HERE!