Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Arabica Coffee House 62 Perikleous Street, Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus

*FREE Introduction to Mindfulness on the 6th of March   MBSR is an evidence-based, user-friendly program that brings the principles of mindfulness into everyday life by teaching specific skills and practices to alleviate anxiety, stress, overwhelm and exhaustion. Imagine a life with a lot more relaxing and a lot less stress! Leave the workshop with […]

Webinar: Introduction about PSYCH-K®


PSYCH-K® is a stunningly simple method of transforming limiting beliefs into supportive beliefs at the subconscious level. Moreover, with this method you can remove stress from your body down to the cellular level. This webinar is an introduction to PSYCH-K® to become familiar with this modality and decide if you want to follow a PSYCH-K® […]

PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop

Cyprus Villages - Agrotourism Holidays 3 Mersinies str. Tochni, Larnaka, Cyprus

PSYCH-K® is a stunningly simple method of transforming limiting beliefs into supportive beliefs at the subconscious level. Moreover, with this method you can remove stress from your body down to the cellular level. Paula van der Werff, certified PSYCH-K® instructor, typically organises one to two PSYCH-K® workshops on Cyprus a year. During the workshop you will […]

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