Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine

15:00-16:20 | Nicola Anastasi | T: +7555182323 | W:
Movement Medicine
Movement Medicine is a creative embodied dance practice which encourages us to explore, embody and express what is alive within us. Using the map of the elements and rooted in ancient shamanic wisdom, we return to the inner landscapes of our embodied heart and remember our connection to the web of life. Through Movement medicine practices we are able to create and express a broader movement/embodiment vocabulary and are able too journey deep and connect with our innate primal wisdom.
There’s never been a better time to dance. Bringing ourselves back to breath  heart, body and mind we drop in and rest in the beat, to embody and express through dance, what is alive within us. Using modern therapeutic practices and ancient shamanic wisdom we reconnect to our inner landscapes, our innate primal wisdom the web of life and our own embodied wild hearts! Weaving tribal beats, organic beats and eclectic sounds we are invited and guided to journey through  our bodies, to gather in community and experience the healing transformational power of dance.
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