The Journey Between Life and Death

The Journey Between Life and Death

Megaron B
10:00-10:50 | Irina Bykova | T: 99556700 | W: | FB: qhht.cyprus
The Journey Between Life and Death
In this lecture, we will learn about the journey of the Soul between physical and divine planes. We will take examples from the QHHT sessions, and see how Dolores Cannon’s method helps to uncover the inner purpose of life. Moreover, we will see in what ways the body acts as a map for the Subconscious and how the Subconscious constitutes its power as an unlimited source of knowledge and healing. Finalising, we will answer questions and discuss.
Irina Bykova is a Regression Hypnosis practitioner, working with clients all over the world. She is a former professional speech therapist, who entered the challenging path of practising and researching the alternative ways of healing through the Subconscious. She is a certified QHHT practitioner, level 1, who studied other methods and techniques from the leading practitioners in the field of Regressive Hypnosis (C.Grifasi, etc.). Her extensive research and practise helped her to develop her own method, dedicated to the emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress
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