The Human Magnet Phenomenon – A Journey into the Subconscious Mind

The Human Magnet Phenomenon – A Journey into the Subconscious Mind

Atrium A
13:00-14:50 | Kiki Ypsilanti | T: 99741371 | W: | FB: The Mind Surgeon   
The Human Magnet Phenomenon - A Journey into the Subconscious Mind
In this experiential workshop you will be guided through the power of your subconscious mind, using the Rapid Transformational Therapy technique (RTT). You will be able to find out how you can ‘talk’ to your mind in a beneficial and constructive way and you will experience a live group hypnosis session that will spark your inner Happiness/Blissfulness ability, by turning this inherent ‘switch’ on and increasing it. Get ready for an unforgettable event that you will love it!
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