Back Bend Yoga Class by Yola

Back Bend Yoga Class by Yola

16:30-17:20 | Yolanta | T: 97672174 | FB: Yolanta Kazakova | IG:
Back Bend Yoga Class by Yola
This class will be devoted to backbends, work with the shoulder joints and thoracic region. mobilization techniques and breathing in backbends.
I have been practicing yoga for 15 years, teaching for 13 years, grew up and studied in the Ashtanga and Hatha yoga traditions, later got qualifications in Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, aerial yoga. I studied rehabilitation, yoga therapy, yoga Nidra courses. Specialist in sound meditation and vibro-acoustic massage. in my practica i use combination of all this discipline, constantly learning and developing in my profession.
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