The Y Program
The Y Program is a 12 week program divided into 3 parts.
All level practitioners are welcome, beginners to advanced. It is a two hour yoga class, once a week live with founder Nicole Joannides at Yoga Love Story studio in Nicosia. Each part aims to awaken your true creative potential.
Want to reconnect your Body, Mind and Spirit to live the life that you deserve? This is for you!
Part 1 Awareness of the body.
Understanding how the body moves, how it keeps stress that causes chronic pain like back/neck/shoulder, due to sitting at computers or holding babies for long hours. You will learn how to bring awareness to the Mind of how our Body feels in different poses, what feels good or not and through this understanding, connecting breath to the body, to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect.
Week 1 to 4.
Part 2 Breath Focus.
How do we reconnect to our breath and how our breath is the tool that can nourish your Body and Mind. What happens to your body when you’re stressed? What happens when you feel confident and strong? Reconnect the Body
and the Breath to quiet the Mind.
Week 5-8.
Part 3 Interlinking Body, Breath to relax the Mind.
Often when we carry stress, the Mind forms thoughts that cause that stress. The Y Program will teach you to reconnect and ‘control’
all three aspects that make up the person you are, Body, Mind and Breath. You will learn ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, how to acknowledge chronic trauma and pain, relax the Mind for better sleep, yoga poses and easy mindful exercises that can be used in your everyday life.
Week 9-12.
You will learn to reconnect to your Body, Mind and Spirit to reach your true potential of creativity, productivity so that you can live the life that you deserve. Pain free!
To help you stop feeling stuck in a life that is not meant for you!
The Y Program runs in three parts. All parts are interlinked. They can also be done separately however it is not recommended as each week builds up on the next.
Cost for each part is €180. If payment is done upfront for all three parts cost is €450.
Monthly installments can be arranged.
Starting Saturday at 16:30-18:30, 8th October 2022 and ending on
the 21st January 2023.
Part 1 – 8/10/22, 15/10/22, 22/10/22 and 5/11/22.
Part 2 – 12/11/22, 19/11/22, 26/11/22 and 3/12/22.
Part 3 – 10/12/22, 17/12/22, 14/01/23 and 21/01/23
Please contact Nickie Constandinidou 99420303.
First come first served policy due to limited mat space.
Looking forward to seeing you on the mat in few breaths!