Full Moon Continuum

Tonight’s full moon will max in the early hours of tomorrow morning.  Following on from the extraordinary Lion’s gate peak experience on Monday, we can almost ask what else is there, yet there is always more and the full moon will accentuate our previous experience, which continues to manifest as it’s a very creative time and necessary to stay grounded, very present and clear.  True clarity is priceless these days and helps you cut through the nonsense and humanity is certainly in the midst of a wake up call, asking us to take the most holistic view we possibly can, and not to get stuck in the details. So take the opportunity tonight as you tune into the full moon energy, to totally free yourself from the past and take new steps forward as you claim your place in the hierarchy of those who intend to create change and live a more conscious and inspired life. 

Save the date, for my new in person, upcoming workshop, Intentional Living, Rebirth, Transformation and Regeneration on Saturday morning September 24th. More information coming soon. 

Love, light and full moon blessings Maggie Erotokritou


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